Put Things In Their Proper Place
Every morning on the way to school I have my 11-year old son read a page from his daily devotion. This morning as I ran around trying to grab all my belongings, he took it upon himself to wait for me in the car. Great, no problem! So I get in and off we go. By this time Chase is on his phone fully engrossed in a wrestling video. "Chase, get off your phone and read your devotion!" Well, his response was: "Wait, I want to finish watching this." So long story short, that was not an option. I proceed to tell him that he needs to do his devotion first. Frustrated, he angrily grabs the book and start reading it in a hurry with agitation. I tell him to read it cheerfully and to not rush his time with God.
Holy Spirit interjects and says, "At least he's a child; this behavior is to be expected." I said all this to say: how many times do we grown up Christians/Believers rush our time with God? We try to hurry to talk with Him, to pray, to read, etc.
so we can get back to what we deem important. I submit to you, that God Almighty is most important! How dare we disregard our time with Him. How dare we put our time with Him on the back burner.
We must put things in their proper place. God desires us to spend time with Him. He wants to be intimate with us. For intimacy to take place, it takes us spending time with Him. The more time we spend with Him, the deeper our relationship with Him becomes.
When you love someone, you want to spend time with them and you don't want it to feel rushed or insignificant. The same with our Father! Make it a priority to spend time with Him, to commune with Him, to just listen to what He has to say. Don't rush through some ritual prayer, or traditional confession, but set time assign to actually go deeper with Him.