Each person who sign up to join New Life Church is encouraged to attend our Foundation Class. Upon completion of this class, your decision to join membership of New Life Church is recorded. The Foundation Class will cover our beliefs, church history, salvation, the Bible, prayer, fellowship and witnessing.
New Life Church offers several ministries that have been developed to support our children in their growth and their walk with the Lord. The ministries will not only teach them the Word of God, but it will also help each child to recognize the gifts that God has placed on the inside of them.
LIFEkidz Children’s Ministry is designed to actively engage children in relevant and meaningful ways. We equip them with the core building blocks of God's Word and prepare them to know, love, and serve Christ.
Through the memorization of scriptures and the teaching of Christian principles, each child grows in the knowledge of God and becomes a worker not ashamed to make a stand for Christ.
LIFEkidz operates on a school-year schedule and meets every Sunday , and Wednesday, night. Parents are required to serve two times per year. On fifth Sundays, children worship with their families in the main sanctuary.
Baby Dedications
Proverbs 22:6: Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Baby Dedications are performed every month on the 3rd Sunday during our 10:15 am service. Parents and their families are invited to bring their newborns, infants and toddler children to the altar for dedication by the Senior Pastor. We believe that empowering children to succeed with the blessing of the Lord is important and honorable to set the course for the rest of their lives.
If you have already dedicated you child or children to the Lord at New Life Church and you have not received a Certificate of Dedication, please email us to make your requests.
Water Baptism
Romans 6:4
For New Water Baptism Candidates:
We believe that baptism, the total immersion of a believer in water, symbolizes the believer's acceptance of the finished work of Christ on Calvary's cross. Baptism testifies of the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Our Senior Pastor counsel candidates through a water baptism preparation class prior to baptism to and ensure that baptism candidates understand the decision they are making.
Water Baptism is provided at different times throughout the year. Click here to register for water baptism.
Marriage is a promise made before God.
We want you to know that we will be here to help you to have a well-planned wedding ceremony! This experience should be a new beginning of God’s very best for you. Your wedding day will be one you will remember for a lifetime. Click here to request information about weddings at New Life Church.
"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh." Genesis 2:24
Hospital Visitations
The Elders at New Life Church are charged to watch over our members during times of illness and hospitalization. Please contact Congregational Care by submitting your visit request here.
Bereavement and Funeral services comforts and assists families through the process associated with the death of a loved one.
For additional information please contact the Congregational Care here.
If you are a current member and need to change your contact information, please complete the form below